Paddy and Scott's Craft Coffee

Coffee -

Paddy and Scott's Craft Coffee

Whether you're a home-drinker, running a café or a string of hotels; the story of your coffee matters. Paddy and Scott's have the best story of all: A direct partnership with a family who have been growing coffee for generations.
“The coffee supply chain is long and complicated; full of people taking their cut of the farmer’s hard work. Paddy and Scott’s had a bold idea to cut out these middle-men and conglomerates; to shorten the distance between coffee grower and coffee drinker. In 2016 we took on our very own coffee farm in Meru, Kenya. Working together with the Muchomba family we have created a unique project to revolutionise how coffee is traded and give more back to the families working hard to grow our coffee.
It’s never been done before, but that’s never stopped us!
In collaboration with the Muchomba family, the Meru Farm is now the second home of Paddy and Scott's. Here, not only do we grow some incredible coffee, but we are also investing in the farm infrastructure and working with local schools to ensure sustainable change for the coffee growing community,
Through these direct links we can ensure that every cup of coffee you drink is changing lives.
The Fell Store Paddy and Scott's Farm
In 2012 we took our first trip to the world coffee growing regions on a mission to buy our own farm. India, Brazil and Columbia were target countries. We soon learned it's a dangerous business; fraught with pitfalls, tribes and cultures. We came back empty handed but learned a lot, unscathed and full of ideas. A plan was hatched but investors were required. What if we would encourage our customers to co-own the farm with us, maybe own a tree?
 2017 has been our most exciting year since we founded the business. Our new brand Fuelling Ambition is launched to a rapacious audience, we finally lift the curtain on our Kenyan Farm project; creating a world-first direct collaboration between a farm and consumer with over 4000 membership plots.
Yeah, we smashed it in 2018! - New management team, our staff become equity partners, we replace 44 Starbucks "proud to serve" coffee outlets in the world's largest hotel management company. We're conquering the leisure market, pioneering the Nitro cold brew crusade with Sexy Black... yeah, we really called it Sexy Black. Our farm project is bigger than ever soon to be expanding to Vietnam, India and Brazil. Proving direct trade is the way forward in our industry. Unlike some of our peers haven't sold out to Nestle or Coca-Cola yet. So yeah we're still Fuelling Ambition.
 In 2019 we launched “LunchBox’ an amazing coffee that’s funding free school meals in Brazil, India and Vietnam with some really big brands getting behind the movement. We’re still privately owned, debt-free, punching above our weight and loving every minute of it.
The Fell Store Paddy and Scott's Coffee Farm
 Why the farm?
The only real way to help the coffee families and the wider community is to go straight to the source and pay more for the raw product. So we started a mission to cut out the middle men. No more greedy brokers, useless shipping agents or thieving conglomerates. We went straight to the farm itself.
Where is it?
The farm is located 300 kilometres north of Nairobi in the shade of the eastern side of Mount Kenya. This is where we've worked with George Muchomba and his eldest son Isaac to create one of the finest coffee farms in the world; Time to get our hands dirty.
What have we done?
 We have built a model farm with shared facilities that can be used by local communities who rely on the coffee for their existence. We set out to empower the farmer and revolutionise how consumers interact with the people supplying their coffee. We set our goal and achieved it.
Who owns it?
 You do. This project relies on the continuous support from you, the real drivers of change. From a single tree to a whole row, we genuinely encourage our customers to visit the farm, plant your own tree and help harvest your coffee; get you hands dirty, break bread with the family. This is real CSR, be proud of it.
The Farm - Meru Kenya
 The Muchomba Farm is the second home of Paddy & Scott's in Africa. Although trends come and go, Kenyan coffee is generally considered one of the finest coffees in the world. The farm is a little over 15 acres in size, consisting of approx 6,600 trees, each coffee cherry is picked by hand between April and July. During harvest the farm employs dozens of local workers who pick and carry the cherries to the pulping station on the farm. The parchment is then washed and sun dried on long drying tables. When the processing is complete the beans are shipped straight to the UK for roasting. Members can visit the farm during harvest and even pick the coffee from their own tree. Places are limited so be quick to book your slot.”
The Fell Store Paddy and Scott's Brew Bag

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