Customer Blog - My Story

Customer Stories, Food for Thought -

Customer Blog - My Story

I'm a regular hiker/ wild camper/ YouTuber / Instagram poster (admittedly recently started).
My story begins with Covid 19 and the beginning of the lockdown. I have a very stressful job in engineering management and never give myself timeout to reset the mind (or exercise the body lol).
Anyway, like many people, I used the initial uncertain times at the beginning of lockdown to get myself out there walking with the family every day. This was the first real "Mind reset" that I have had in years! Within a few days of regular walks I began to feel like a much more chilled out version of myself.
Roll on a few weeks into the lockdown arrangement. I had to travel to Scotland for an important Job that required me to stay up there for a couple of days. All the hotels were closed so I saw my opportunity, I would have to wild camp for the first time!
The trip was amazing and great for my mental health, but not so much for my kit!! I will let the video do the talking, lol, You can find it - HERE  
Because of what happened on that trip and how well the video was received by the outdoor community on YouTube, I have continued to pursue bigger and braver adventures both solo and with others. Things always go wrong on my trips, but it doesn't phase me one bit, because I am no longer stressed out thanks to what the great outdoors does to my mind.
To me, the great outdoors is a place to think, a place to leave your demons and replace them with mental images of your beautiful surroundings. It's a place that can consume you and make you realise that you are just one tiny being on such a huge beautiful planet. It's a place to slow everything down and reset your mind!
Following on from my first YouTube video i have made it my mission to share my adventures for all to see, calamities included, warts and all. To show people that even me, an unfit bloke in his early 30's with limited outdoors knowledge can get out there and take on all that the great british outdoors has to throw at me... and I'm going to enjoy it :-)

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